Questionnaire’s counting


Following summer 21’s questionnaire, you’ve been numerous to show your interest in this project.

It appeared obvious for a large majority of you that this work project is necessary.

Questionnaire has been counting in December. Here is what comes out of it :

To the “In favor or against” question :

59 % of you said : “In favor, our properties will be enhanced.”

12 % of you said : “In favor, but I won’t have funding.”

11,2 % of you had a “Different answer globaly in favor.”

10,7 % of you had a “Differrent answer globaly against.”

3,5 % of you said : “Against, because the current situation is perfectly good.”

3,5 % of you said : “Against, because I won’t have funding.”

Here is the complet details of it in the chart below :

Here is the result of your opinion about the noted inconveniences:

A majority of you agree on complaining about noise pollution at night, dog mess and poor general state of the underground car park and outdoor square. Here is a strict detail of your opinions :

Your opinions on the renovation project :


We could notice in your answer a favorable opinion for :

– green spaces, bicycle racks, children’s games, insect hotel, fountain, etc.

And an unfavorable opinion for :

– public toilet, free access BBQ, sport equipements for adults, etc.

Here are the charts of your exact answer :

Conclusion :

Your interest and favorable opinions for the renovation of the square and car park of Chamonix-Sud, really give us hope in the conduct of such heavy project.
Also your complaints on the inconvenience in the condominium have been noted. They have been transmited to the project manager and his team of architects and landscapers. So they could work on a pre-project that has been relesed this month !